Determining the results of raising the limit on contactless transactions without PIN verification to PLN 100 in the Polish payments market.
a) Seeking Polish consumers’ opinions on the raising of the limit on contactless transactions without PIN verification to PLN 100.
b) Studying the CVM limit increase in the context of the security of conactless cards in the Polish market.
c) Estimating time-efficiency improvement and decrease in payroll costs for the merchants providing payments at POS as a result of the CVM limit increase.
•The raising of the limit on contactless transactions without PIN verification to PLN 100 is scheduled to become effective as of 1 January, 2019.
•The other factors determining the development of the payment cards market will not change significantly and will remain similar to those that were in force as of the end of 2017.
* VAT @ 23 per cent should be added to the net price.